Gosh I’m knackered after France!

That was busy wasn’t it?  And bright!  Electric pulsing lights and Anggun‘s mates from her local Parisienne gym doing a full on workout on stage.  Not quite sure if I feel exhausted or nauseous or both after that, maybe it’s the balaclava from earlier repeating on me..

Major talent alert again here, the gymnast boys are ripped and certainly help to make this very long three minutes more palatable. The jury is still out on this for me.  Sometimes I like it and sometimes it grates, I’m going to have to sit on the fence, unlike Anggun who gets to sit on her dancers….

Breaking news——-Breaking news———

On the third run though the boys have there tops off, she’s unashamedly going for the gay vote. Someone had better tell the Azeri president!  This is back in the game for me now, funny that…….