6 November – I’m a talker and straight-walker

It could be time to have another contender for Mr Eurovision. Each country will have one – as well as a Mrs/Miss/Ms Eurovision. But we’ll leave the ladies for another time.

Georgia has had 12 songs make it to the semi-finals of our favourite TV show. Today’s birthday boy ანრი ჯოხაძე/Anri Jokhadze has been involved with a quarter of them. First, he was the dresser for დიანა ღურწკაია/Диана Гурцкая/Diana Gurtskaya in 2008. More recently, he co-wrote Georgia’s 2017 song with თამარა ‘თაკო’ გაჩეჩილაძე/Tamara ‘Tako’ Gachechiladze. In between he was the named performer, when he told us he was a joker – among other things. Forgetting the fact he didn’t quite make the Grand Final in the bear-pit that was the contest in Baku, he was lucky that he and his chums probably made the shortest journey to a contest (to date) by Georgians. But Sammarineses aside, not many people can be associated with 25% of their country’s songs. And that’s no joke.

Anri is 39 today.

გილოცავ დაბადების დღეს, ანრი!