Nick: No news here, really, compared with the first rehearsal… they’ve obviously got the knack of not breaking the stage, it’s going down well generally but isn’t universally popular and … well … it’s passing me by. Georgia are still new to the Thingyvision Thing Thing and they’re still welcome to it, but I’m just finding the afternoon a bit hard work so far. Hopefully Steve McFaddy will wake me up a little bit.
Phil: Well, as Roy has just commented, it isn’t Lordi, but she has a certain something that could make this qualify. She doesn’t do anything that you would not expect if you have seen the video of this rehearsal. She stays static and the movement is all around her, which is a good thing as it sharply contrasts with the busyness of the song. Vocally the song is strong and so is she.
It’s good – very good!! 😉