17 September – Where will I be tomorrow?

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Who are your favourite writers of Eurovision songs? Brendan Graham? Søren Bundgaard? Thomas Gustafsson? Or is it our old friends Messrs Siegel and Meinunger?

The German duo have been around since the year dot, writing and writing and writing. It’s a wonder they have tome to do anything else. And what has it yielded? One win. Hmmm. Anyway, you could argue their heyday was the 1980s and 1990s, and it’s one of their songs today that gets the birthday treatment. It was sung by today’s birthday girl Bianca Shomburg. Bianca had made her name as a Céline Dion soundalike, the the omens were good on the Saturday night in Dublin. After all, who doesn’t love an oboe opening a song? Sadly it wasn’t to be. Bianca’s song, and her big flouncy 18th Century Regency cuffs earned her an 18th place finish. Her country had only had one worse result than that in a Grand Final, so maybe Europe was after something other than the Siegel/Meinunger sound. But have no fear – Ralph and Bernd would be back.

Bianca is 50 today.

Frohe Geburtstag, Bianca!