15 March – Green is the colour of the sea

Do you remember the 1990s? It was the decade of change, when our favourite TV show went from being something nice and cosy and light entertainment, to something far more bloodbath-like. And Ireland won a lot.

In one of those many Irish contests, we saw today’s birthday boy Κωνσταντίνος ‘Κώστας’ Μπίγαλης/Konstantinos ‘Kostas’ Bigalis singing about sunny times in his native Greece. In his time, he’d made the most of his surname by calling himself Big Alice (geddit). It was a breath of fresh Aegean air with its bright colours and smiley delivery. What could go wrong? Greece had started to make headway with back-to-back top ten finishes. Kostas didn’t quite manage a top ten, but he did score a maximum off, erm, some country who shall remain nameless. Nevertheless, his fourteenth place was enough to secure Greece’s participation the following year. In Ireland.

Kostas is 70 today.

Χρόνια πολλά Κώστα!