31 January – The only treasure I’ll ever have

People win the contest. From time to time anyway. There could be some contests where no song should have won, and the EBU should have told them to go away and try harder next year.

But winners we have, and we’ve got one for you today. Today’s birthday girl Έλενα Παπαρίζου/Helena Paparizou had tried her stuff before and got beaten by someone else who has a birthday today. We’ll save his for another time. Anyways, Έλενα/Helena is a Greek of Swedish extraction, so maybe it was a bit of her song, plus this Nordic connection that helped her win. Greece had been gunning for a win for several years, so maybe she was also in the right place at the right time. Whatever you think, this is a decent song, no?

Helena is 37 today.

Χρόνια πολλά, Έλενα!