Maria-Elena weekend television now at Eurovision Island and she’s very very static on the stage but this song is plesently surprising… well surprising me at any rate.
The bond theme that Cubby Broccoli didn’t want “entertains” you for three minutes and, when taken out of the car park preview video setting it’s actually not that bad. As a ballad it’s perfectly serviceable and Maria can sing this song but, to my ear, it’s still a dog of a song but she isn’t half petting it and making it sit up and beg and roll over.
Backingwise, its got a massive set of BBC 1970’s Kids TV lightspots countdown clock in the background (Google it youngsters and Europeans) and, like that, it does actually turn into a massive LED spotlight towards the end of the song, just when Maria sings the high notes and the long notes which she can actually reach. NERIT have saved up all the drachma they had before they are to be wound up and bought a windmachine that starts at the beginning and goes all the way through the song. Arguably the best performance of a song I have seen today but again, a dress faux pas. Silver strapless number with toupee tape covering her ample modesty.
This should qualify in a decent position (6th-9th) on this performance.