Phil: The more I listen to this – the more I have decided that Sarbel sounds better IF you play ‘Yassou Maria‘ at 1.05 speed on WMP 9. It then has kick and a punch which the current speed and performance does not.
His vocals are, indeed, questionable and they now spoil everything. The lyric is weak and this is going to be hurt by whatever is coming before it. Especially if it is Turkey (same song?? mwahaha!) He ticks all the boxes, mentioning Aphrodite and Cleopatra, but it is a walking Cliche of a song without a doubt!
Nick: I’ve been struggling to find the word to describe it, and I guess “safe” is the one I’m looking for. The 1990s were characterised by Ireland sending the same song every year before realising that it wasn’t working anymore in about 2002. This will stop working too – it’s just a matter of time. “Safe” might well get you the Swedish Schlagerfemteplatsen, but that’s as much as it will get. This year, it might not even get that – it’s in a strong field. And what’s so great about dancing like a Cheeky Girl anyway? Nah, it’s alright. It’s a competent Eurovision song of the ’00s performed competently by a competent performer. He’s got ribbons! Blue ribbons for a boy, obviously.