Just uploaded something on here about the Greek song and it disappeared. Hopefully this ‘un will turn up.
Didn’t get to see it, but by all accounts it was blimmin’ ace. Tight and accurate dance routine, formation Busby Berkley aerial view dancing and a gimmick so silly that you’ll be laughing at it and not with it. (I can give a spoiler if you want, but I’m sure you’d rather have the surprise!).
No word on Cyprus, Bosnia or Russia, but Natalya had her press conference this morning. She’s very young looking, was flanked by a bunch of pretty boy Rasmus-Barbie types, and sang a bit of the song, and has quite a pleasant, whispy voice. Not seeing it doing much, mind, but she seems surprisingly pleasant.
Chaira was just doing a conference, and she was as sweet as expected. Her mum and dad were up there with her and there was a lot of love in the room. Unsurprisingly she said her favourite song at the moment was a Disney ballad. Perhaps that’s her future.
Anyroad, I’ve got to go and do real life things like eat, breathe and the porcelain unmentionable before the Cypriot run through, so I shall be away. Party reports (and possibly some pics of us carousing too!) laters.
Big love,