Phil: She looks, in places, like a twee-er Sarah Jessica Parker being backed by 3 bodypopping boys in suits doing all sorts of business behind her. Vocally… well… her speaking voice reminds me of Minnie Mouse on helium, her singing voice is something that can only be described as unique.
It’s Eurovision for Greece by numbers – pure and simple. ( No jokes about her being pure and I’m…well…. you get the drift) but we have only managed to see one run through because the feed has been cut.
We have sent Samantha out with her Big Pole in order to get the feed back and we hope that she can fiddle with the knob while her big pole is fiddling about. (RIP Humph).
Franko: After all the cat fights and faffing around was it worth it? Well frankly no. I still can’t see any point to the prop that has caused all the fuss, it adds nothing to the performance or the song.
Helena Paparizou proved you can do this sort of song without one and win. What Helena had that Kalomira doesn’t have is a good singing voice and a half decent song. This is quite honestly tedious. Only it’s position in the draw is going to save it from extinction and it won’t make many waves in the final. It’s got a decent enough riff to it but is so repetitive and monotone. The dancey instrumental bit helps a great deal but it’s only fan bias keeping it so high in the polls.