Well, so much for the drama. That was a really efficient changeover from Russia to Greece, and neither has lost anything that in any way weakens their show.
Talking of efficiency, I just wanted to mention something that I’d failed to notice about the queues to get through security at the press centre and the hall – I’ve not seen one at any point in the entire week. Everything’s carefully checked, we’re bar code scanned into the building, and it takes no time at all to do. It’s another of those things where you don’t actually notice the absence until someone points it out to you.
We’ve just had one run through of Greece, and you know, I like it a lot. Good colourful show, maybe a little bit three years ago, but none the worse for it. I think it’s better whisper than their song that actually won it. I’m not so sure that they want or are ready for another win, but they’re doing all the things they need to do to get one if they do want it.
Just don’t let Kalomoira speak, that’s all. Heliumy. That’s the word for Kalomoira!
Ooh, we’ve lost the hall feed completely now – we’ve reverted to a Eurovision test card from Geneva. How irksome. Great though – they send these pictures all the way up to some geostationary satellite, bounce them off Geneva, and whizz them back over here to Belgrade nine minutes’ walk from where they originated. What’s wrong with a couple of baked bean tins and a long piece of string, that’s what I want to know…
Oh goodie, the feed’s back. The backers look exactly like Triple and Touch in 1988, a reference which certainly betrays my age!