30 June – We got a good thing going

Do you ever see social media posts telling us about ‘the real winner’? It’s clear that the ‘real winner’ is the one that gets the most points under the rules in place of the time. You might not like it, but everyone knows where they stand.

Of course, back in 2020 our favourite TV show didn’t happen, and we got a tribute show instead. Before it got cancelled, one or two songs were tipped to win. One of these was by today’s birthday boy Daði Freyr Pétursson, the front man of Daði og Gagnamagnið. His 2020 song got massive airplay all over Europe. His greater reward was a go at the Rotterdam contest in 2021, where he and his band were rewarded with a fourth place and a dose of Carolavirus. Their take was definitely innovative and they got the best placing of a song in English. But back to 2020, in a year of no winner, was Daði Freyr potentially the real winner?

Daði Freyr is 30 today.

Til hamingju með afmælið, Daði Freyr!