16 November – Build a bridge to your heart everyday

Who says we just pick those obscure songs from decades no-one remembers. The ones where you can understand why they sank without trace.

But we can pick obscure ones from recent contests too. We jest. Today’s birthday boy is someone you might have seen on on TV if you’re in the UK of stuff when he tried his luck on the X Factor. It’s Brendan Murray. Our friends in Ireland put their trust in him in 2017 in sunny Kyiv. Him and a large hot-air balloon. Sadly, a number of other songs caught the attention a bit more, so he only managed a 13th place in his semi-final. He tried again to represent in 2021, which goes to show that once that Eurovision is in your system, it’s very difficult to shake off.

Brendan is 27 today.

Happy birthday/Lá breithe sásta, Brendan!