So there I was, watching une petite Irlandaise née en Munster sitting at a piano in an unconvincing yet gorgeous CGI forest, and it was very nice, but all a bit cryptic and I didn’t know what it meant
So I rejected it, and then Ted Rogers explained it all in 3-2-1 stylee. First of all, the name of the act. Molly Sterling, could be a perfectly normal surname, or Sterling could be a European currency unit. Another European currency unit is, of course, the Euro.
So then, “Do I owe you something? I think I do?” You, here, being the European Central Bank. “They tied our hands, but I cut through”, might be a reference to enforced austerity cuts. “I made the mess, in your vision” – not mine, YOURS. “To give a little love was all I wanted”. I’m a simple Irish girl from the enchanted forest, I don’t understand fiscal policy, or to put it another way “I was playing with the numbers. I didn’t know what it meant”.
“Don’t remind me” and “I played with white lies and fiction”. And so on. And so on.
Yes, Barbara and Steve, you’ve just *rejected* the Irish banking crisis. Have an animatronic bin.
Anyway, Playing With Numbers staged like this is ultimate jury bait, and it *might* still be about the risks people take every day in love and in life, and the experiences of taking the road less travelled, and if Molly ain’t here for the duration, I’ll be surprised and disappointed. Absolute best Irish entry of the love millennium so far.