To me, it’s more obviously out of the Alf Poier school than it was on Thursday, now that I’ve got used to it a bit. They’re a more charming and (whisper it) more competent set of performers than Alf’s crowd though. The whispers around me are that people would like it to qualify but don’t think it will… I can’t see any reason why it shouldn’t, though. Even the bits that drag a bit in studio are saved by an innovative take on Israeli choreography. The sideways strut is alive!
Oooh, teh controversy! Teapacks aren’t happy – they asked for things to be done with the backdrop after their first rehearsal, and they weren’t. They’ve got a right moody on, frankly, judging from the press conference – not particularly veiled threats to not turn up for the semi-final, mixed with very careful Not Slagging Off Of The Technical Crew.
My raddled cynical old antennae read it as a bit of an invented controversy to keep the journos interested, but maybe there’s more to it than that. Somehow I don’t see the problem remaining a problem though – it doesn’t appear to be things that will be difficult to iron out before next Wednesday.