7 July – Give me your hand and you’ll see yourself flying

If you’re a Eurovision fan worth their gravy (or glitter), you might have an eye on its history. Which countries have hosted, which cities have hosted, that sort of thing.

Of course, every contest needs a host or hosts. And as it happens today’s birthday boy Salvatore ‘Toto’ Cutugno was one of the two hosts when the contest was in Rome. Perchance his unique presenting stylee overshadowed his win in 1990, But it’s a tactic that’s been used before and since where a previous winner has got the ‘honour’ of hosting. Toto was chosen internally by RAI, rather than using the iconic Sanremo route. His win in sunny Zagreb might have been a surprise to some, but he did receive points from all-but-two juries (you know who you are). So that can’t be a bad thing. And who knows, if Italy ever wins again, we could see him in the Green Room.

Toto is 80 today.

Buon compleanno, Toto!