Lithuania via Not Stephansplatz

I’ll just nip out to Billa, I said. It’s only 5 minutes away at my local U-station, I said. I’ll stock up with Haribo and Nom Milch, I said, and then go out to Stephanberg Stephansplatz, and then onto teh Arena.

What a mistake! How could I possibly have predicted that I’d get lost on a 5 minute trip in a straight line to my local supermarket? *cough*

So anyway, that’ll be Stephansplatz not visited. Again.

I only caught the last runthrough of Lithuania, so couldn’t form much of an opinion. Nice to see some bright multicoloured graphics though, yesterday really wasn’t a terribly colourful day on set looking back. It’s light, it’s cheerful, it chugs along well, it looks and sounds perfectly alright and hopefully it’ll stick around for a bit of Saturday night action.