Malta, A work out video

Glen Vella

The first thing that strikes me is the two dancers that surround Glen Vella throughout this rehearsal. They follow him EVERYWHERE and proceed to do a Jade Goody workout video as choreography around him – this is very very distracting (though I am sure it burns the calories, though they don’t look like they need to) and, as has been mentioned, they are very very short.

For one moment, though, it looked as though the backing singers were Lulu incarnate with their bobbed hair.

Performance and vocal-wise, everything you would expect from this song, but the overall look of it is something that is trying too hard to be uptempo and better than it actually is – the overall effect seems messy and lots of movement and, presumably, lots of camerawork all over the place will mean that it is going to look messy on the screens. This is not qualifying