Arresting start from Moldova

Semi one kicks off with Eduard from Ukraine via Moldova on a climbing frame plonked on the stage as a helipad with with butch/camp male cops and a stunning policewoman dancer. She’s VERY supple, my at one stage she pulls one of her legs so high up over her head the skimpy shorts almost get sucked up her fifi! Can I say fifi? Phil’s away, I can say what I like!

Some great interaction her as she rips off his best and leaves him with just his sleeveless leather jacket on and his garden path/treasure trail showing or whatever you kids are calling it these days! The male cops flounce around and do half hearted cartwheels and Eduard does a back flip before girl cop pulls her love trigger and nabs him. Phew! This is fun and lively. He’s no Eric Sa’ade but moves fairly well and the vocal is good. Seems as if they’ve slowed the track down somewhat so he can manage to keep up with the choreography and vocals. Don’t know how it will go down at 9.15pm on a Tuesday night with televoters but it’s semi high energy and camp as tits.