We’re a little bit…

The welcome party was very loud last night. Very little socialising with elegant people, and lots of P6 shouting that he couldn’t do any work because it was too loud. Kudos for Carrefour for providing an inexhaustible supply of delicious cakes (trust us, we tried), sort of kudos for the four part medley of all 37 entries, but precious little kudos for being an ideal initiation to the bizarre world of Welcome Parties.

Anyway, we somehow managed to be in the arena at the same time as Six4One this morning, and generally they look and sound pretty good. Liel repeatedly misses her cue on the opening line of the song (every single time she came in clunkily late), but it improves, strengthens, and while I doubt whether it has any winning potential, it could just provide Switzerland’s best result for many, many years. So that would be 8th, then.

Moldova is not getting any better. It’s not just a mess. It’s a Marks and Spencers mess produced in the hills of Athens, lovingly sprinkled with all the mess from Olympic Stadium at the end of the AEK-Xanthi match on Sunday night. The surfboard now has the word LOCA lovingly put on it in huge Letraset, and… no. Yuk. Me no likey at all.

For those who wanted photos yesterday, I shall reiterate that I am cameraman on a trampoline, and our good cameraman spent the whole morning at home and virtually the whole of the afternoon and evening partaying. He didn’t even show up for Daz Sampson. How rude!