2 April – So I’m lying in bed

You want to make an impression on a stage? Make your outfit memorable. Even more so if your song isn’t. It’s a golden rule.

I’m being harsh. Today’s birthday girl Joan Franka (née Ayten Kalan) had a decent enough song – at least the Dutch thought so. She’d already duelled and won a super final. So getting through a piffling semi-final in sunny Baku would be a breeze, wouldn’t it? Well, in a closely fought semi-final, Joan came 15th, but a mere 10 points below 10th place. It could have been worse. She could have been Bulgaria who only came 11th on count-back. Still, native American head-dresses have never seemed the same since.

Joan is 28 today.

С днем рождения, Сергей!