Dutch Eurovision song falls flat

Edsilia Rombley
Dutch recording artist Edsilia Rombley at Eurovision 2007.

Nick: Oh dear, I think I’ve just made a spectacle of myself. I’ve never heard this song before, many, MANY times. I particularly liked the bridge from the ballady opening into the schlager chorus, which was reminiscent of a clapped out Ford Capri trying to get up the ramp in the multi-storey car park in Bedford shopping centre. It got up there just about, but I thought for a moment it was going to conk out halfway up. It’s just too predictable for words … Edsilia‘s great and is really really trying to lift it up but … it’s got nothing. I can’t even dislike it. It’s blandy bland bland and it’s going nowhere. Gosh, that’s probably going to be taken as a negative review, isn’t it?

Phil: Fantastic … Superb … Unbelievable … These are three words that I will not be applying to Edsillia circa 2007, Boring, predictable and staid certainly are. They have got the “NOS how to fuck up a decent song cookbook volume 12” and gone to the recipe marked “Let’s make a cock-up”. Its not good, it has no spice, it does nothing predictable and, frankly, it’s going to do an NOS – Come close, but do nothing. There is a podium on stage – luckily its not a 1-2-3 podium!