Nick: Oh man. It’s brilliant and it’s hideous. It’s perfect and it’s unwatchable. It’s the creepiest sight I’ve seen anywhere near Eurovisionia since Laka put some dark glasses on and went for a walk with his sister. Dolls just shouldn’t smile. And they certainly shouldn’t sneak up behind you while you’re trying to sing a lovely song. Oh dear. Oh dear me!
Apart from the Gothic sinisterism of the piece, it looks absolutely spot on. Given that this is the artistic vision that TROS clearly had for their entry, they must be absolutely thrilled to bits with how it’s coming together.
Phil: The esteemed Catherine, of this blog, has just said, “Am I the only one that hates this song?”
No, no you’re not – I hate it too – I hate everything it stands for and I think that TROS executives need to be put against a wall and slapped repeatedly with a smurf for thinking that on their first go, this song was appropriate for this contest.
Having said all that, Europe will be swaying along, just like Eurovisionary’s John Stanton has just done and if it works for him, then surely it will work for you too! –
Sieneke – Qualifying, but I despise it!!