13 November – Then you are at my door like before

The Eurovision Song Contest has yielded some real legends over the years. In fact, you could say that a certain amount of ‘Eurovision Royalty’ has emerged. People like those memorable winners, and definitely those highly-respected triers.

Today’s birthday girl Anita Skorgan is definitely a Eurovision aristocrat, and could even be Norway’s Ms Eurovision. For a while, she was married to Norway’s Mr Eurovision anyway. Anita tried for success twice in her own right before teaming up with a certain Jahn Teigen. She even wrote a song that came fifth. Anyway, in 1979, she was one of the brave bunch that outside Europe to Jerusalem – then one of the longest ever Eurovision journeys – and finished 11th. Maybe a bit humdrum you might think, but one of Norway’s better performances until that famous first win in Göteborg. Anita, we salute you!

Anita is 64 today.

Gratulerer med dagen, Anita!