14 February – Now we walk with spring in our minds

It’s about time we had a song in black & white. Some people forget that there were contests before 2000, and there’s a rich seam of good music buried in the 20th Century. All you have to do is look for it.

So with the black & white vibe, I’ve picked a song from 1963. You [grand]parents might be able to tell you about this particular year. It was in a TV studio, not a theatre. It was in two locations It was ‘allegedly’ pre-recorded. And today’s birthday girl Anita Thallaug was there, looking very winsome with a very serious song. Anita holds the dubious distinction of being the first Norwegian to fail to score a single point. But she’s now in good company, as three have since joined her. Can you name them?

Anita is 81 today.

Gratulerer med dagen, Anita!