28 March – A seed will grow and sprout

Number plate

Do you remember those days when the host song always did well? It was a big thing in the 1990s, when home entry after home entry either won or finished second.

Of course times have now changed. Many broadcasters go into penury when putting on our favourite TV show. After all, those freebies at the official reception don’t come cheap. So it seems the case that they obviously don’t want to win, and don’t even want to be an accidental winner. Mid-table obscurity seems the place to be if you’re a host broadcaster. Not so in 1996. Today’s birthday girl Elisabeth Gunilla ‘Bettan’ Andreassen (née Andreasson) was picked by En-Are-Kaw to do her stuff. Her pedigree spoke volumes in her participations for Norway and neighbouring Sweden. She didn’t get a single maximum, and was a distant second. But for the host broadcaster, they must have been secretly worried.

Elisabeth is 60 today.

Gratulerer med dagen, Elisabeth!