The Diet Merethe Troan is now filling my screen with a song I have heard before sung better by someone with more talent.
The blue dress seems to be back in fashion and there are doing some very strange Israeli-esque sideways strutting in the middle of it with absolutely no government health warning what so ever – it gave me quite a turn I can tell you.
I don’t think this is to the qualifying,even though she did perform this very well – in comparison to some of the rot we have seen today, and she does know where the camera is and plays up to it, but then again, as you will have gleaned from this day’s shenanigans, there isn’t much, if anything that is going through.
She does take the title of “ugliest backing singer group of the day” today – god, can we say “Trout Pout” with one of the backing singers… AND She is really REALLY small as well….. Can someone find her an orange box to stand on??