Nick: Every year seems to have its own overused style, and this year’s seems to be intros that could be the theme for the local news in East Anglia. Guri’s belting out a thoroughly average song quite well, but I’m finding it very hard to take it seriously for some reason. Possibly this is because a hairy person behind me keeps shouting “Oy!” in gaps in the music, eliciting the response “Why is that English person shouting ‘Limited’ at me?”. There’s a costume moment involving fans and sparkly dress thingies, but I think I’ve gone jaded after my lunch of Sachertort and a croissant. I’m not feeling the love, sorry. 🙂
Phil: The other two members of this fine blog have decided to shout OI at the right moments – and believe you me, it improves the song no end. Guri Schanke certainly is too old for this sort of Latino-lite affair – and it is everything that I should be loving, but the costumiers in Oslo being busy have not assisted this song at all.
It is too busy and too … Eurovision to do anything of note in 2007, I think.. The voters will likely see this as a bad throwback. On the positive site, from my viewpoint, the choreography is lovely!!