15 September – I’m a dreamer

Duets! Is there nothing more exciting than two people singing the same song. Will they perform in harmony? Will they try and out-do each others? Will they stand centimetres apart and shout? That’s what makes them so watchable.

An added bonus is if they use different styles. And that characterised one half of today’s song. The birthday boy in question is Alexandru Ionuț ‘Alex’ Florea. He was the rapping element and never did yodel in the song – he left that to his compatriot. This was a noteworthy song and had cannons as the finishing touch. But was this who shebang a good thing? Well sixth in a semi-final and seventh in a Grand Final isn’t to be sneezed at. But what I think was the clincher was the affectionate peck on the cheeks Alex gave at the end.

Alex is 28 today.

La mulți ani, Alex!