27 February – No one ever said we should be proud

It’s always interesting how some countries choose their singers and songs. Some go internal, or there’s the bog standard national final. Or you could be innovative. Like a certain event in 2018.

Our friends in San Marino tried something different in 2018. Instead of sending [insert singer here], they had a series of shows, culminating in a national final in Bratislava. Yes, that’s right, Bratislava. Anyway, the winner was today’s birthday girl Jessika Muscat. Her pal Jenifer Brening helped her out with some down-with-the-kids rapping. Jessika, a Maltese native had finally made it, after several attempts trying for the Mediterranean’s happiest rock. It wasn’t all a bed of roses for this Maltese/German/Austrian/Slovak collaboration. But even though it didn’t quite work, it was good to see an innovative approach.

Jessika is 34 today.

Is-sena t-tajba/Buon compleanno, Jessika!