Phil: Now I don’t know whether or not Miodio from San Marino is supposed to be off key in the beginning 25 seconds – if he is, then Well done!! – If he’s not – then he’s in trouble, big time!!
I still think that he looks like a big girls blouse, but he is doing less fawning to camera than he did first thing several days ago – which is a good thing – and now the backing dancer woman ( and I use that phrase as opposed to girl) – prances round and touches him (appropriately, I have to add) – but there is a slappable smugness about him that pre disposes me to hating this song – He may be 1km away from this very computer, but If I could, I want to haul off and belt him.
And in a nutshell that’s the problem with this song, it has many many wrong elements in it – the singer, the song, him in general – but most of all the fact that it is totally uninspiring and boring as hell.
Nick: I’m not ‘appy. It’s only in trying to work out whether the notes they’re hitting are the notes that they’re intending to hit, that I realise that I don’t know what notes they’re supposed to be hitting. If any. It’s not *exactly* awful, but it’s not the triumphant return for mini-Italy that’s going to bring their big brother back into the fold. In fact, it’s last place in Semi 1 for me.