San Marin-who?

Daniel Aragay from Vacarisses, Catalunya • CC BY 2.0

Phil: Having eaten copious amount of cheese on a pizza for very few Dinari … again … We have retreated back to press centre-y goodness, armed with Gala Water (other brands are available), Having met Jelena, who was clearly brilliant, and stunned at our ineptitude at paying over the odds for a taxi – we now visit the land that Eurovision forgot … until now… San Marino.

Personally, Eurovision should leave the boot peninsular well alone as it clearly doesn’t get on with it, but piu Italia has decided to dip its toe into Eurovision water and … well really, they shouldn’t! This song is in Italian, which is good in its own right – however, the lead singer evidently has not read Svante’s brief about avoiding overtly camp performances and minces around the camera like a whoopsie on heat. He is clearly trying to emote while singing the song but, quite frankly, he comes across as a big girl’s blouse. It’s a weak song, sung quite badly.

Nick: This is San Marino’s first time at Eurovision, and they’re welcome to it. It’s a show full of drama, sitting on a jet black island flanked by majestic cyan rivers. Who am I trying to kid, it’s a drab piece of pompous Italo-rock preformed by someone who wants to be Anonymous and succeeds only in being anonymous-do-you-see-what-I-did-there. The bloke’s called Nicola, which I understand is acceptable in Italy, and the drummer is Signor Gobbi.