San Marino – meat that I couldn’t positively identify

Daniel Aragay from Vacarisses, Catalunya • CC BY 2.0

Well I’ve just been for a stroll to find the local Mini Maxi as the canteen in the press centre is slightly on the sparse side in terms of it’s fare this first day. Having feasted on some sort of meat that I couldn’t positively identify I’m back in time to catch a run through of San Marino. My fellow OnEuropers are disparaging of this. I know it’s not absolutely in the running for first place,but it’s by far the best song we’ve been subjected to so far today. It’s perfectly in keeping with my tastes which obviously means it’s doomed big time but I don’t care and I’m proud to say this is in my top 3 of this year’s songs. Considering that’s actually 43 in total, that’s no mean feat. Regular readers of this column will be aware that Phil, Nick, Roy and myself don’t exactly coincide on musical taste but they’ll also be aware that the other 3 mostly speak b**locks.

If only for the sake of good taste please pick up the phone and vote for this, though I know you won’t!

And speaking of bad taste…. here come Belgium…..
