7 July – I rest on a dusty wall

Many people can claim to have a unique record in our favourite TV show. It could be their country’s only winner. Or the only person to win twice as a performer. More often – probably – are people who share a record with one other person.

Today’s birthday boy Omar Naber is not the holder of a unique record. Probably. Instead, he and one other person hold a special record. Can you name the person he shares this particular distinction with? It’s this. He went to Kyiv in 2005 and failed to get out of the semi-final. He also went there in 2017 and – guess what – he failed to get out of the semi-final again. Today’s song pick was the better of his two attempts as it was a near miss from the semi-final. Aside from the small two-Kyivs-two-semis club, he’s also probably the only person of Jordanian stock to participate in our favourite TV show.

Omar is 41 today.

Srečen rojstni dan, Omar!