23 September – I have searched in my soul

Eurovision can throw up those acts that like to play down the fact they once represented their country. Their publicity material omits that three minutes of their life when they performed before several hundred million people. We wonder why, since it’ll be one of the biggest audiences they’ll ever have. But when you get a certain Mr Abraham preferring to be the singing trashman, or a certain Ms Shaw refusing to answer questions about it, it doesn’t seem right.

One other person that used to deny his Eurovision dalliance is today’s birthday boy Julio Iglesias de la Cueva. Maybe it was the electronic blue suit, or he prevented his country from three wins in a row. Or the fact he only finished fourth. Out of 12. Still, once a Eurovision performer, always a Eurovision performer, whether you like it or not.

Julio is 80 today.

Feliz cumpleaños, Julio!