5 January – I want you to be forever mine

If you’re a fan of the history of our favourite TV show, you’ll first know that there were contests before 2000. You’ll also know who won when.

Take 1956 for example, when the late great Ms Lys Assia won. She won in her home country and beat 13 other songs. To be fair, she sang one of those other songs. But she sang for Switzerland, and it’s Switzerland I pick today. Birthday boy DJ BoBo (né Peter René Baumann) did his stuff in 2007, when we were all younger and maybe less wiser. We were that less wiser that this highly fancied song didn’t even make the Grand Final in sunny Finland. The single semi-final had 28 – yes, 28 – songs in it, so we knew it would be a bloodbath. Despite getting a 10 from a certain Mediterranean rock, old BoBo only managed a 20th spot. I think it was the scary mannequins that did it.

BoBo is 55 today.

Frohe Geburtstag/Bonne anniversaire/Buon compleanno/Cordialas gratulaziuns per l’anniversari, BoBo!