5 March – We are birds, we fly so high

We often pick up on the gimmicks used to give your song that extra push. Those things that make your average viewer sit up enough to pick up their telephone and wote for you. Occasionally, there are times when you might forget a singer is there, and concentrate on the sideshow.

This happened in 2011 with the song by today’s birthday girl Міка Ньютон/Mika Newton (née Оксана Грицай/Oksana Hrytsay). She took a song with a familiar title – Angel – to Düsseldorf. She eventually finished fourth. She wore a nice frock. But the attention was on her pal Ксенія Симонова/Kseniya Simonova. She wasn’t singing, oh dear me no. She in a sand artist. Her schtick was to draw pictures in sand. Very artistic. But who else ignored Mika, in her nice frock, and was captivated by the scenes Kseniya was drawing?

Mika is 35 today.

З днем народження, Міка!