Ukraine- it’s the special olympics!

Mariaya Yaremchuk

Not special like that!! – It’s very special…ist. Definitely appealing to an audience with the obligatory male hunky backing Dancer but, in a twist, he’s spinning round in either a hamster wheel OR, for you petrolheads, the inside of an air-filter!

It’s, once again, the old distraction technique. Mariya seems very weak vocally at the start of this song which leads you to ask the question “who’s going to sing that vocal for her?” especially in the Semi Final. When she opened her mouth, It was my first “ugh” moment of the day. She also tries to look “sexy” at the start but the whole package doesn’t seen to work and is lacking something but I can’t think what it is, but I’m thinking vocals.

Getting the sympathy vote is going to get harder when you add up all the negatives in the performance.

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Archie Pemberton
Archie Pemberton
10 years ago

I wonder if the man in the hamster wheel is a political metaphor, a symbol of the struggle of the ordinary Ukrainian against the oppressor Putin, and a…..sorry?….sorry, what?….you say: “you can take all that political bollocks to another blog”. I see. Well, in future, I shall keep all of these intellectual nuggets to myself.