I’ve often said that if there is one thing that we know for certain, it’s that Finland is always true to themselves. Blind Channel are a rock band and, whilst they have had to turn down the swearing and stuff, cos it’s a family show, there are certainly enough elements of “rrrrrock” here.
Unlike a few we have had the privilege of seeing over the last 4 days, this doesn’t feel or look contrived. Rather, it looks like what the band would do on a normal Saturday night down the local bar in Rovaniemi. It’s all very shouty and red and guitars and long hair, with the band dressed in the de rigueur rock colour of black. The staging even has some clever effects and camera swooshes (yes, that’s a thing, ok?). On the final run through, they even included the obligatory shooting fire to complete the look of being in the pit of hell.
All very good, if you like that sort of thing. The problem here is that not enough people will be voting for it on a Thursday night for it to trouble the scorers – I’d love it to though, just so it could annoy the “this is just shouty noise” brigade.