Hello peeps!
Just a quick post to let you all know whats been going on with the site and stuff and to make sure that you know what on earth is going on in the Eurovision world.
Site News
We’ve decided to do a podcast – yeah I know right! – and it’s going to be basically us ranting and raving and trying to entertain you with various “funny” bits of music and whimsy from my head. It’s not meant to be tres serious so don’t expect high-brow BBC Radio 4 (or your own national equivalent) type stuff. It’s just an extension of this site put to audio. Also, I’m not technically competent – or indeed a broadcaster – so it will sound amateurish at times… If that bothers you, head over to ESCinsight!
We’ve also girded our loins for the next few months in the run-up to Portugal. The Video Vault is being updated weekly, Birthdays are back on schedule, the Calendar is looking rather splendid – if a touch empty at present but that will grow – so all in all, this place is looking quite chipper.
My eternal thanks go to Riigi, Nick, Mo and the other contributors to this site that help me to bring you this… whatever this is!
Eurovision News
As I have espoused on the podcast, it’s still September so news will be thin on the ground and even where there is some news, the pickings are very slim.
It’s definitely Lisbon, It’s definitely May 8th, 10th and 12th, and it’s definitely going to attract fans who believed that Kyiv was “not for them”… though how cheap food and booze was not for them escapes me.
Australia is exempted from the rules of entry again (seemingly on the nod), which means the debate about should they/shouldn’t they will go on and on and if you don’t know what I think – you should have listened!).
There have been some National Finals announced, but nothing in concrete until the deadline for participation, which is September 15th.
Until then… and until we get some news that’s not XXX’s country is doing nothing different than usual on XXX date (or when I can be bothered to update things which is more likely), continue enjoying the content we’ll be putting up!
Tell us what you like and want and don’t want and we’ll see what we can do.