Now, never let it be said that OnEurope is a clique – we allow other people to contribute too… if they want. So, sound the trumpets and lower the drawbridge … we’ve got a submission from John Abrams, a chum of this site.
The power and connectivity of social media has driven a communication revolution. All types of people can offer their opinions or show their reactions to songs. On YouTube, the two main video types are those that talk about a song they’ve already listened to AND/OR ‘the reaction videos’ – when they are genuinely heard for the first time. Fans see the creators’ instant reactions.
Each Eurovision YouTube channel has its own distinct ‘persona’ and style.
Big daddy
The big daddy of them all is Wiwibloggs (and to be fair to them, the one that got the ball rolling with the idea as a way of creating new content). It has its own big, brassy fun image summed up by the catchphrase ‘Let’s do this!’, and is often a first stop for fans exploring the way they react to songs as they drop online. It provides an important role – ‘do others feel the same way as I do?’.
William Adams and Deban Aderemi are two of the more irrepressible mainstays providing a collaborative contrast with the cosier calmer style of Padraig Muldoon and the rest of the crew from countries as far and wide as Iceland, Spain and New Zealand, adding their own distinctive flavour and reactions. In all, I think they are a marvellous mainstay of the online world.
Well that’s what I think what do YOU think?
However, as in the contest itself there are always others who will provide an alternative:
ESCunited – Matt with his catchphrase “sup you fools!” also gives reaction videos. He’s a lively expressive American, whose audience is growing and someone not to be missed! He seems to be one of the quickest on the ball, although he says ‘I’m not in it for the competition, I just like to have fun!’ A lot of people are lapping it up Matt!
Other American voices are Alessia Michelle and Lethargic Sloth. Alessia has a bright, yet considered style, having followed and loved the contest for many years. She is a singer herself so has insights on the performances, the production – and majors on the artists’ styling. Lethargic Sloth, on the other hand, (as the name suggests) has a more individual sometimes contrarian view of each song – as his Netta reaction video proves!
In the European mainland we have Eurovision Buddies who are two Greek friends Yiota and Gos as well as Chev’s Choice from Switzerland (with his own sophisticated scoring system). You can add to that the Latvian voice of Shamanka Ilona – short sweet and concise.
Let’s not forget the UK’s own personalities in the form of Eurovoxx – Andy and Jess who have their own little on the couch friendship discussing the songs. Also check out TunefulTV giving an exuberant Afro-caribbean London outlook.
One of the most interesting creators is primarily a gaming enthusiast. However, he is also a Eurovision superfan. Tessellating Hexagons gives a very balanced, thoughtful yet radical account of each song. He got a few more fans when he defended AWS against those that thought their song ‘is not right for Eurovision’.
So, what do I suggest? Dive in to these channels and see what suits you.
As they say on Wiwibloggs if you like what you’ve seen give them a boost – like and subscribe!
Did I slay? 😊
And don’t forget to give our own Eurovision Countdown a read now and then – truly uniformed, totally biased, and done very much to prove you have a choice.