The Greeks are sticking with the chromakey effects as they did on Tuesday but in the recorded run through they have stopped Stefania looking like she has been cut in half, which doesn’t have make it look a whole lot better.
The effect on the dancers, though, still isn’t quite right. The key is that they have to stand in the right place at the right time for the effect to work coupled with the fact that the bits that the chromakey is blocking out are effectively done so. Too many times could you see shadows on the stage where there really shouldn’t be any or, as in the last two run throughs, the dancer at the bottom right of the stairs was standing too far back and it looked like he had half a shin missing, and things like that draws the eye away from what Stefania is doing, which is a lot of the good stuff.
She’s vocally spot on and is hitting all of the high notes she failed to hit on Tuesday and I’m pretty confident that she’s not going to be the problem here. I’m also equally confident that the average televoter isn’t going to care a jot about the staging issues, they are going to see a confident strong performer with some backing dancer effects.
Qualifying? Yes
I thought the thing with her being cut in half was the best bit of a shoddy show!