I’m not sure if it’s me, them or the feed this morning, but both this and Cyprus before left me wanting more. But not exactly knowing what that certain something more is.
Tix didn’t seem all at sea . He seemed comfy in what he was doing, which was, for the record, standing on a plinth singing about being a fallen angel whilst all the time four people dressed as either blackbirds or ravens danced around him chaining Tix down and him trying to break free.
The final run-through was the “This time with pyro” one, and they accented the performance rather than overtaking it, which is the whole point of them (please take note other countries). It actually grew on me, but what was noticeable was a second voice on the backing track helping the tune along which, I guess, is what its there for, but I’m not so sure it worked.
Again, like Cyprus, this is a strong song and the staging was solid … I just expected more than what I got. I clearly need coffee and toast!