Norway brings angelic bling

TIX arrives in Rotterdam for Eurovision 2021
TIX arrives in Rotterdam for Eurovision 2021

The sequencing of Cyprus’ Diablo into Norway’s Fallen Angel is smart thinking. But after that made-for-Eurovision performance can Tix still stand out?

In my Countdown review I’ve already written that I think he starts from a disadvantage compared with his participation in MGP where he was a hugely well-known local artist. The recently released promo video tells his story well, but without that the only thing he has to sell this to those who can vote for him is these three minutes, and if it echoes the MGP performance, well, it didn’t exactly win me over. Let’s see what he’s got.

Tix, Norway, First Rehearsal Eurovision, Rotterdam Ahoy, 9 May 2021
Tix, Norway, First Rehearsal Eurovision, Rotterdam Ahoy, 9 May 2021

Visually there’s not much change from the Norwegian final. Tix is still emblazoned with enormous white angel wings and possibly an even longer fur coat, which seems to trail almost as far back as the train on a royal bride’s wedding dress. His outfit underneath is has cranked the bling level up to 11 and looks like it could be made by Swarovski, it’s so encrusted with diamondique.

We’re down from 6 to 4 demons dancing aside him, to meet the Eurovision staging rules, but the loss doesn’t diminish the overall effect. Dry ice and pyro add to the visuals in the final run. There seems to be a slightly different arrangement to the Norwegian final too, though to be honest it’s not been a track on particular heavy rotation for me.

This will find its audience, but I’m not among them. He sings well and will certainly be memorable. There’s nothing technically wrong in this performance, so I can’t mark it down in any objective way, but subjectively I’m afraid for me he still looks ridiculous. I suspect his visuals will see him among the performances highlighted in the media the following day, which is one way to stand out, but it’s not always for the right reasons.

Monty x