As was tradition and has now become a tradition again (yeah, that’s a thing, ok?), we do a rundown of the day in our daily awards show, The OnEurope Golden Fork awards!
Today’s outstanding contributions to the Eurovision landscape are, in order of achievement.
The OnEurope Bronze fork – A coveted prize given to those who were close, but just didn’t make the grade, today goes to:
The Press corps of Europe: – Sometimes being a fan media outlet means getting through days like today and we managed it virtually unscathed so we share this award with you our deserving viewers and listeners. Fanx!!
The OnEurope Silver fork – A prize given for those moments that are worthy, but not memorable enough, today goes to:
Latvia: For completely wiping away any semblance of empowerment from their performance in a desperate attempt to calm down Samanta – she’s reigned in alright but the song is even worse as a result.
Bully’s Special Prize – Because you can’t beat a bit of Bully, given for those “special” moments you can’t forget, goes to:
Switzerland and Denmark: Variations on a theme here – both in my eyes buggering up songs. Switzerland by negative staging and Denmark for just existing.
Finally, today’s OnEurope Golden Fork award for achievement, presented not in association with Asparagus World (and yes that’s real) – goes to:
Portugal: Haters gonna hate, but I really loved this performance of an averge song – it reminded me of Unsubstantial Blues a few years ago. No one liked that – in fact only 27 people were in their rehearsal – but it was so so so good, as was this.
Congratulations or Commiserations to all the “Winners”? – More Tomorrow!
Rehearsals day 4:
Georgia – not really clear what he want to achieve with the staging.
Albania – she is alone on stage, but it seems quite effective.
Portugal – great staging elevating the song, which is not as good as the staging
Bulgaria – almost everyone agrees that this had the best staging of today.
Finland – if you seen the NF, you know what to expect, although for some it has been a bit flat performance.
Latvia – If you expected a bonker of performance, you are heading for some disappointments.
Switzerland – Sacha Jean- Bapitste f**ked up another staging. And not the first time she is doing this in ESC 2021. You would think that by now delegations know who they are dealing with, but no. Still hiring her to kill another presentation
Denmark – if you like it, you think they did great. If you hate it, you still think it’s rubbish, no matter what they do.
That’s all folks