Reassuringly, some things never change … and this song is one of them. The girls from Tulia were dressed in the same costumes as in the preview video, but with the added dimension of having their faces projected on screen behind them at certain points. It certainly drew attention from the shoutyness of the song.
The preview video had a point: they were young girls craving the approval of their elders, and that’s lost when you see them on stage … to such a degree you tend to find yourself wondering “what on earth was that about?”
The stage, oh yes, that was in red to match the dresses – someone needs some styling och consulting methinks, but we are beyond that stage now.
The girls put no effort into any of their rehearsals and that was somewhat disappointing. They seemed to be trying too hard to be genuine and ethnic with ‘Fire of love’, but they weren’t trying to sell it. It was just four girls on stage shouting for three minutes …