Russia…. Still thinking there is too much

Sergey Lazarev at a Meet & Greet during the Eurovision Song Contest 2016 in Stockholm.

Too much money and too many technical things being chucked at this. Left, right and centre.

This is still the one to beat though but I am worried that there is too much that can go wrong and it’s too technically difficult that it would only take one wrong slip for it to come crashing down around their ears.

Having said all of that, though, it’s very polished and slick and all of those other things. The choreography is on point and slick, the video wall (when it works) is very good.

The one thing I would say, though, is that in parts the lights do not match where Sergey is standing and it makes him look too dark.  I’m still of the opinion that the wall (Bring on the wall) pisses all over Greta’s chips to such a degree that she’s in danger and the superfluous backing singer that comes on at the end is pointless IMHO.

What could possibly go wrong??