Clearly there isn’t enough space in the world to describe OnEurope to the tens of loyal visitors that we have on a regular basis but, as I have updated this site, I shall try my bestest!!
It all started back in the dark days of 1999 with a very simple site (some harsh people say it never got any more complex, bar stewards!) and has grew into the behemoth that you see before you! – Over the years we’ve changed with the times – being the first site to do a live blog back in 2001, one of the first sites to give you Mp3s (and, conversely almost getting sued back in 2003!), first sites giving you videos etc..etc… , I’d say the list goes on, but it really doesn’t lol!
We’ve got a very simple mantra – “We’ll call your favourite entry shit if it is, we’ll call your entrant a whore if she looks like one, but we’ll always tell you what we think” – and that’s basically the OnEurope way….. we’ll tell you what we think, then let you make your own mind up – we won’t always agree, but then again, have you ever met 2 Eurovision Fans that agree??
We’re basically just fans, not Journalists, doing this for you for the last 15 years and we’ll continue to serve as long as you’ll have us in your corner of your life – Other cheeses are available around the web, feel free to choose from the Cheeseboard of Delights you see in the links menu above… we never forget you have a choice, but we’re glad you continue to choose OnEurope.
oooh Just a couple of legal things
All the things that we write are copyrighted to us, OnEurope, in perpetuity. The YouTube stuff is copyright of the broadcaster or singer of the song as appropriate.
If there happens to be an mp3 on here in the on-season, it’s probably a rip from the YouTube video, therefore the same applies.
OnEurope and its Editorial Team claim a big fat zero copyright on anything we didn’t write ourselves, or compose ourselves, or indeed choreograph ourselves (and believe me, you wouldn’t want to see that!)
If we have infringed your copyright – instead of being like SVT and taking the high handed approach – perhaps you could mail me at and ask POLITELY if we can take it down or, better yet, work something out with us and we’ll share your work with the masses?? – After all, thats why people enter the Eurovision isn’t it?!?