The 2018 Eurovision Song Contest is still well over 4000 hours away, but already Azerbaijan have named their singer. ‘Sultry’ voiced Aisel Mammadova will perform for the oil-rich nation in Lisbon next May.
Preferring to stick to just her first name for the contest, Aisel was chosen by Ictimai TV after what they describe as an ‘intense’ internal process. And if that doesn’t bring tears to your eyes, what will?
Various fan sites describe her as a ‘sultry-voiced jazz and soul singer’.
Aisel has been known to write her own material – though let’s be honest, the Eurovision song is more likely to hail from Sweden.
One thing for sure, based on the handful of promo photos released by Ictimai TV, we can expect big earrings and chunky costume jewellery.
More actual news when there is some.