En route (well actually I’m already here)

Fan Village

And we’re off! 4.30am alarm, who says Eurovision is glamorous? I’m currently mid-flight, dear reader, although you’ll not be reading this until after I’ve landed. British Airways doesn’t yet have in-flight wifi, though it does, I’m pleased to say, have mid-flight champagne. I’m on the second bottle, though I’m only having that to take away the taste of the first, you understand. Well, it is a morning drink, after all.

We’re with the BBC. Well, not on the same group booking, we’ve not become official, but on the same flight, so it was nice to see some familiar faces from the delegation at check-in. There was a bit of a kerfuffle there, as I was shunted into a check-in area where the BBC were being managed, only for all the desks to close once their party had been checked in. There was some frantic ringing for back up by the ground staff, and eventually someone opened a desk again, asking was I with that party. I just said yes; it seemed expedient, so I may or may not now be travelling fraudulently with our national broadcaster. I can assure you no licence fee payers’ money has funded my champagne breakfast, just in case the Tax Payers’ Alliance happen to be reading and frothing at the mouth….

I had a chat to Lucie, who seems in fine spirits. We have a mutual acquaintance, in one of her best friends who’s working on a documentary project with my real-life work at the moment, so we had a nice chinwag about that.

I’m not sure I’ll catch any of today’s rehearsals by the time we land, transfer, check into hotels and get to the press centre for accreditation, though I will make it to the EuroClub, you can be sure of that. Rehearsal comments will have to wait until tomorrow. I have to say I’m so excited to be heading back to the bubble.


Monty x